We React to State of React Survey
Scott and Wes discuss the State of React 2023 developer survey results, including React API and framework usage, trends, pain points and more.
Scott and Wes discuss the State of React 2023 developer survey results, including React API and framework usage, trends, pain points and more.
Scott and Wes discuss whether websites should work without JavaScript enabled. They cover reasons pages may fail, progressive enhancement, and ways to improve the experience when JavaScript is not available.
Supper Club
Glauber Costa discusses Terso, a distributed SQLite platform getting attention for its managed service and LibSQL fork enabling new architectures.
Scott and Wes ask each other interview questions to stump one another and teach web development concepts.
Scott and Wes discuss 6 upcoming JavaScript proposals that are making their way into the language spec.
Supper Club
John Resig discusses creating jQuery, working at Khan Academy, using React and GraphQL, and the evolution of JavaScript.
Scott discusses new and underutilized browser APIs for building interfaces including starting style, allow discrete, calc size, scroll snap, view transitions, popover, dialog and more.
Discussion on what reverse proxy servers are, popular options, and various use cases like combining multiple apps and servers, handling SSL, security, serving static assets, and local development.
Supper Club
The developers of Drizzle, a TypeScript ORM, discuss the project's history, their design decisions, how they built complementary tools like Drizzle Studio, and what work is like while living through war in Ukraine.
In this potluck episode, Scott and Wes answer questions about over-engineering, generative AI, frameworks, meetups, and more.